Google今天剛剛推出desktop search 2.0
其實已經不再單單是desktop search, 因為新推出的sidebar除了可以作出搜尋之外,還可以看到Gmail 的新電郵(還提供filter)、電腦內的照片、最常到的網頁/檔案、近期看過的blog post(其本是是迷你RSS reader)、新聞天氣(美國區)、網上熱門話題,還有一個scratch pad,讓你可以快速記下事項。
最最最感動的是開放了API,即是不久的將來我會又會看到創意無限的plug-in !!
如果Google 推出一個比較像樣的IM 的話,相信Yahoo 和MSN可以收檔。
5 則留言:
Flagging the (M)asses
Here's the thing: though I appreciate the opportunity to flag spam blogs on Blogger and thus alerting the powers that be to where their pure blog waters are muddied, one has to question how "The Wisdom of ...
Hello, Guess what got a Nobel Prize?
glycoscienceOther topics related to glycoscience are also covered.
Please visit when you get time.
Some speculation about Google IM
原來星期三就推出IM,睇下今次Google 會唔會再一次驚天動地
Where to download?
Hee Hee I finally found it :P