星期四, 1月 12, 2006


在香港買了一個一開七的 USB hub,沒想到一插到電腦之上就把電腦的USB port弄壞了。今天問大學內的維修中心,他們說沒有可能維修。
雖則蘋果電腦昨天推出了新Mac book pro,但想到二月才出貨、太大和有點貴之後,還是要詳細考慮清楚才可以下決定。

3 則留言:

Nagaki 說...

Mac Book Pro is actually not that big since it is 15" widescreen which is equal to 12" screen.

Also, the MacBook Pro can boot up Windows ( Vista only ) too. :)

Around 2300CND + tax though X__X"

People have noted that they were unable to find the battery life of the Mac Book Pro though X__X"


pig 說...

well, still the screen is much bigger then the one I am using right now. I think the size of the small ibook is more suitable for me.

匿名 說...

yeah, those USB hubs from HK are crappy. I burnt my notebook's USB port (and part of the motherboard) last year when I plug power into this cheap usb hub and connecting it to my notebook... I have a feeling that I won't buy cheap usb hubs ever again :(

btw apple will be turning all their computer products into Intel Core Duo machines this year so I guess a 12" widescreen MacBook will be here in no time... Have to start saving for it now... :p