星期三, 1月 24, 2007

[博落豬格]Alesis即將推出USB 錄音咪

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Samson blue 之後,又一間錄音器材製造商加入製造高檔USB 錄音咪的戰團了。

公司剛剛宣佈快將會推出一套包含USB錄音咪和耳筒的USB-Mic Podcasting Kit,實際詳情和價錢都轉暫時未有公佈,公司網頁上只提供了簡單資料:

_16 bit / 44.1-48Khz audio recording direct to your computer
_USB microphone (including USB cable) Desktop microphone stand
_Easy plug-and-play support in Windows and Mac OS X
_High-quality headphones for monitoring your recordings
_Bundled with Audacity software for recording and editing your sessions
_Free hosting of your podcasts - 30 day subscription to alesispodcast.com
_Hassle-free uploading of your podcasts with automatic rss file embedding
_Automatic notification of your podcast episodes to iTunes, Podcast Alley and other podcast groups, as well as numerous web search engines


2 則留言:

匿名 說...

香港DG已見有Samson USB咪賣,盛惠$1080!

pig 說...

Samson 咪有兩隻架喎,功能同價錢都有分別。要買既話記者唔好買錯。