越來越覺得Microblogging 比較適合我。我需要表達的事情很多時其實用一百四十個中文字已經卓卓有餘(英文要做到這點其實反而難很多)。有時候,反而喜歡這種說話少,但是更頻密更新的blogging 方法。
Twitter 簡單易用,跨平台,而且用戶更新頻密,因此特別容易令人上癮,再加上朋友之間的互相對話就更有趣了。怪不得Twitter系統這陣子完全吃不消,系統差不多天天遇上問題,現在甚至要把IM功能暫停。另外由於API大受歡迎,也是引致系統無法負擔的原因(相信比魚樂無窮更厲害的實時Twitter 新文章顯示Twittervision 應記一功)。
前幾天Jansen 傳來一個有關Twitter上癮症候群的連結,內裡提到Twitter上癮症一共有九個病徵:
- You hit the refresh button to see if it REALLY is updating every two minutes.
- You watch Twittervision and get depressed when it says no new twitters.
- You get angry when the twitter page won’t load as quickly as you want it to.
- When twitter goes down, you go back to your blog, but it’s just not the same.
- You start talking in short bursts of 140 characters or less.
- You have more friends on twitter than you’ve ever had in real life.
- You start tweeting about your dog or cat.
- You get an unusually large cell phone bill due to your constant tweeting.
- You’re reading this post because you read about it on twitter.
玩转 Twitter 不完全攻略
6 則留言:
You're reading this post because you read about it on twitter.
聽聞話要架多項,就係無論blog command 定email, reply 親人地就加@響人地個名前面。
另一個 micro-blogging platform,
夠方便,但無咁 social
Tumblr.com 可以落相喎!
不過都係social 好玩D唔係都唔會咁多人玩Xanga啦:P
平時有睇開你既blog~ 你介紹既野通常都好好用/玩! 不過未得閒試twitter~ 有機會一定會add你!