星期六, 9月 06, 2008


最近Pig很紅,但很紅的Pig並不是我,而是香港詩人梁世聰筆下的一隻母豬。梁世聰以《What the Pig Mama Says》這首英詩去參加首次舉辦的2008 Edwin Morgan國際詩詞創作比賽,並且得了獲得季冠。一時之間,Pig 成為了熱門字。

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《What the Pig Mama Says》是一隻母豬講述自已的三名兒女(Leklek , Hokhok, Yenyen)被人一隻一隻拿去屠宰時的感受。雖然詩的用詞很有兒童詩的感覺,但是內容則是黑暗非常。

其中一個值得討倫的地方就是這首詩所用的文法並非正統的英文文法,為的是要表達豬跟人的語言是有所分別。還記得中學時的美術科老師就曾經討論過抽象畫畫家的問題,他說畫抽象畫的大師都是要經過一輪基本的畫畫訓練然後由再昇華到抽象的景界,並不是一般沒有心機畫畫的學生隨便塗鴉所能相比。小豬自已的藝術感覺不過高,給我一幅抽象畫未必懂得欣賞,但或者《What the Pig Mama Says》就是詩中的"抽象"像品。

What the Pig Mama Says

The pupoh stopped to cheer. Leklek

was took away. He was mine biggest boy.

A good heart. Saved the best for Yenyen

and Hokhok. His-self eating leftovers.

I cried I cried. Not knew the bastang

took him where. Gokgou told me was hell.

We ate much as we liked. The white fence

put us safe safe. Always we talked, cheered.

The pupoh liked to play with Hokhok.

Mine little boy talked to them sweet.

He knew how make make community.

But Hokhok too was took away by same

same bastang they took Leklek before.

Mine only girl Yenyen too sad to see

her little brother went. She kept quiet

everydays think think. I begged the bastang

not took mine boy. They not understood.

Heard only something like "pok is good".

The pupoh talked little little. Yenyen

stopped to eat. She said, "No, Hokhok play

wis me!" I sorry sorry for her. The bastang

came to take Yenyen. I saw her away.

I not cried. Maybe it better for Yenyen.

She will stop to think. No more think.

No more think think. Maybe I say

too much. Who is listening to my story?

