星期三, 6月 09, 2010

[豬視八掛]Pigacast100608--iPad 繪畫 App

iPad 畫面這麼大,自然畫圖畫比在iPhone上好玩得多。本集Pigcast 為大家介紹幾個簡單易用的繪畫 App。

Adobe ideas for iPad

Wasabi Paint

TypeDrawing for iPad

Artist's Touch for iPad

3 則留言:

Nini 說...

omg! I have been reading your blog for months but I have never known you are a girl until i clicked the video lol! coz you have been talking about technologies all the time, i have this perception that you are a guy lol!

pig 說...

呵呵!以往我錄 Podcast 時會用電腦轉男聲的。最近太懶,所以用回女聲。

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