eBay Unpaid Item Reminder: #7557660205
Dear eBay Member:kwikdigital has informed us that they have not yet received your payment for the following item:
CANON IR 8500 w/ NetworkPrinter +K3N FINISHER 85PPM - (#7557660205)
No action is being taken against your account at this time. However, it is important to remember that when you bid on or buy an item you are agreeing to a contract between you and the seller. If the situation isn't resolved within 7 days of this reminder, you may receive an Unpaid Item strike under eBay's Unpaid Item Policy.(註:已移除連結)
If you don't respond by Feb-23-2006 you may receive an Unpaid Item strike.
Most Unpaid Item disputes can be resolved through direct communication between the buyer and seller, and we encourage you to work with your trading partner to reach a resolution.Regards,
開了ebay 戶口以來本人只bid過一部相機,因此覺得事有蹺蹊。再細看那個"respond to this notification"連結是連到一個跟ebay無關的網址。以另一個browser登入ebay網頁,果然發現戶口內並無這件CANON IR 8500 w/ NetworkPrinter +K3N FINISHER 85PPM 。於是依照ebay網頁內的投訴方法把該封電郵轉寄了給ebay。
Thank you for writing to eBay regarding the email you received.
Emails such as this, commonly referred to as "spoof" or "phished" messages, are sent in an attempt to collect sensitive personal or financial information from the recipients.
The email you reported was not sent by eBay. We have reported this email to the appropriate authorities.
In the future, be very cautious of any email that asks you to submit information such as your credit card numbers or passwords. If you are ever concerned about an email you receive from eBay, simply follow these steps:
1. Open a new Web browser and type www.ebay.com into your browser address field to go directly to the eBay site.
2. On eBay, sign into your account and click the "My eBay" button at the top of the page.
3. Check the My Messages section located at the top of the My eBay page. If an email affects your eBay account, it's now in My Messages. Any email sent to your registered eBay email address from eBay or from another eBay member via eBay's member-to-member communication system will now appear in My Messages.
Just remember, if you get an email to your registered eBay email address that looks like it's from eBay about a problem with your account or requesting personal information, check My Messages first. If it's not there, it's a fake email.
If you still have any doubt about whether an email message is from eBay, please forward it immediately to spoof@ebay.com. Do not respond to it or click any of the links. Do not remove the original subject line or change the email in any way when you forward it to us.
If you have already entered sensitive personal information, financial information, or your password into a Web site based on a request from a spoofed email, you should take immediate action to protect your identity and all of your online accounts. We have developed an eBay Help page with valuable information regarding the steps you should take to protect yourself.
To review eBay's new tutorial about Spoof Emails, please see the following Web page:
To help you better protect yourself from fake eBay and PayPal Web sites, we have developed a feature for the eBay Toolbar called "Account Guard." Account Guard includes an indicator of when you are on an eBay or PayPal Web site or a known spoof (or "phishing") site, buttons to report fake eBay Web sites, and a password notification feature that warns you when you may be entering your eBay password on an unverified site.
To learn more about the eBay Toolbar with Account Guard go to www.ebay.com, click on "Downloads" at the bottom of the page, and then click on the "eBay Toolbar" link.
Once again, thank you for alerting us to the spoof email you received. Your efforts help keep eBay a safe and fair place to trade.
eBay SafeHarbor
Investigations Team
2 則留言:
過去幾年太多假冒電郵了。ebay lar, Chase lar, American Express lar,等等. 我明明無咁多卡,一看就知道是假冒電郵了。