星期四, 11月 17, 2005

[豬扒推介]Firefox 擴充套件--Better Search

自從Blogmarks 興起之後,Social Bookmarks 就開始變得多姿多采、圖文並茂。有興趣了解Blogmarks 的朋友可以參考Sidekick 的推介文章

問題是如果網主一直都使用Del.icio.us這種文字版bookmark (例如),其他讀者可以是否永遠都不能看到多姿多采、圖文並茂的資訊呢?

使用Firefox 瀏覽器的讀者其實可以利用擴充套件Better Search 來使Social bookmarks 或搜尋器的結果變得圖文並茂。Better Search 提供的資料如下:

An extension for Firefox which enhances Google (all international flavours, too), MSN Search, Yahoo Search, A9, Answers.com, AllTheWeb, Dogpile.com, del.icio.us and Simpy.com bookmarks by adding previews (thumbnails) and Amazon product images and info (type, price, rating) as well as "Open in New Window", "Site Info", "Wayback Machine" links and a Quick Preview feature to the search results. Supports anonymization of all Alexa.com thumbnail calls. Until v1.7, BetterSearch was named McSearchPreview.

使用Better Search 後觀看Delicious 時的畫面

Yahoo 搜尋結果畫面


利用Quick Preview功能在Delicious 內觀看其中一個Bookmark 了的網站

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