星期四, 5月 08, 2008

[豬篇的話]我的Procrastination 字典


在我們的procrastination字典裡,老闆說的"now"是解作明天;而"as soon as possible" 是解作下星期或者下下個星期;"later"或者"soon" 是解作心情好而又未忘記的時候。雖然我最近重新使用了筆記簿都做To-do list, 有效地把procrastination的時間宿短,不過要我們準時交貨的話還是請清清楚楚講出一個時間,否則後果自負。

Procrastinator's Creed
Read This Now! Stop Procrastinating and Get Stuff Done — or Else!

1 則留言:

TinTin 說...

In my dictionary:
Now: Right now, immediately
As soon as possible: within an hour or two
later or soon: within a week
when I have time: the next thing after finishing my current task

also, I would say, please give me 30 second or 1 minute...
I won't say brb, be right back, rather, please give me 3 minutes or 1.5 hour.